What Southern Forest Resources, LLC Does
We manage timber in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee and our clients’ ownerships range from 20 acres up to 10,000 acres.
It is our objective to cost-effectively provide forestry management expertise to the private landowner.
We work directly with private landowners to help them achieve their objectives for their property.
We offer management planning for your timber. Once we have accessed your timber and evaluated its condition, we will then prepare you a management plan based on your needs and expectations for your property.
We offer timber inventories and appraisals. Timber appraisals are based on our current sales data and information compiled from outside sources.
Southern Forest Resources, LLC doesn’t just sell your timber we market your timber to the appropriate buyers based on the type of timber that is on your property. Once the timber has been evaluated, we will advise you on possible harvesting options. We then can decide on an effective marketing technique to achieve the goals that you have set for your property.
When it is time to reforest your property, Southern Forest Resources, LLC will guide you through the many steps to ensure a successful planting job whether you are regenerating pine or hardwood. We will have a forester on site to confirm that the tract is properly planted.
Herbicide applications may be necessary to reduce competition or promote growth within your forest. Southern Forest Resources, LLC will prescribe treatment rates and the type of chemicals to be used based on the variety of vegetation that is occurring on your property. We work closely with the herbicide applicators to ensure proper use of the chemicals.